About Me

Hello! My name is Kristin and I'm living in the NYC area. Growing up, I was always intrigued by those who were "artsy," but I was convinced I didn't have that gene. Back in January 2012, I took a sewing class and decided to make a skirt (with another novice sewing friend!) and I couldn't stop creating. Even though I was only one project in, I was madly in love with the online sewing community and wanted to create right alongside them.

At first I was all about the finished product and having a fun new outfit, but now I'm taking the time to finish my seams, line my creations, and really create high quality garments that will last as long as I want them.

I'm also breaking out of my comfort zone and crafting so you'll see some average looking artwork that I'm especially proud of! I like to pretend I can garden, but really it's just a matter of time before everything dies.

Did I mention my cats yet? I have two adorable cats that I make cat toys and blankets for and they love them.

The lighter one is Franklin and the darker one is Grayson.

Sometimes the boys like to help me sew. Also, I post entirely too many pictures of them so I hope you can learn to love them as much as I do!

I also like food and love to cook things from scratch. And then I eat them. I try to keep food off this blog (I have another blog for that!), as well on my thoughts on why butter is healthy...  But my love of food inspires everything I do, and it's also the reason why my clothes must be comfortable.

This is the boyfriend. He's usually amazing and will even dress up for events I want to go to (like the 20s lawn party above!). Fun facts: he's a professional cameraman so naturally he hates being in front of the camera, but he's happy to take hundreds of pictures of me for the blog!

But mostly I'd love to be in the middle of the woods somewhere! Which is often difficult since I love in a densely populated city. Someday! Minus the bugs, of course.

Any questions I haven't answered? You can find me on social media (links to the side) or you can use the form below!