Hey, everyone! Have you heard of the Stashbusting Sew-Along put together by the lovely Emily from Tumbleweeds in the Wind? If not, no worries - I'll fill you in!
Basically, it's a pledge to put a temporary stop to the buying (and hoarding) of fabric and patterns and start using what's actually lurking on your fabric shelf (and closet and dresser and in boxes...). Each month has a theme and a host, both of which are completely optional.
In case you hadn't guessed, I'm April's host and the theme is VIBRANT COLOR.
So if you follow my blog at all, you know I'm not really a fan of the bright, shiny colors. I tend to make and wear dark colors.
But that doesn't mean I don't buy vibrant colors with the intention of making and wearing them one day.
The Stashbusting Sew-Along has been great for me. Some ladies in the facebook group are incredibly productive and make large dents in their stashes.
I am not one of those ladies. I'm lucky if I get one finished project in a month, BUT I really love that I'm not continually adding to my stash by shopping for fabric. I have so many great silks and cottons and jersey that I adore, but because I would go fabric shopping frequently, they'd always get pushed to the back of my closet.
Not this year!
If you want to join in the fun, grab some of your brightest, boldest, and most striking fabric and let's get making! Upload your pictures to the flickr group and I'll do a little roundup at the end of the month!
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